How to remove papillomas - folk remedies, laser, surgery

PapillomaIt is a benign cancer caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and appears in different parts of the body: on the neck, under the arms, bladder, genitals, on the vocal cordssound, on the eyelids, on the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.

Cause it happened

The natural cause of the formation of nasty warts and warts is the HPV virus. This virus is very common - it occurs in about 60% of the population.

Viruses are spread in the following ways:

  • Sex. . . Through intercourse, the patient's body will appear genital warts.
  • While giving birth. . . When infected during childbirth, papillomas and warts usually appear several months after birth.
  • At home. . . Infection occurs at home, public places and transport.
  • Below a numberprocedure. . . For example, you can "get" HPV while plucking or shaving.

True, despite the active spread, in 90% of cases the body can cope with HPV independently.

Why are papillomas dangerous?

HPV is spread through sexual contact

Small papillomas that appear on the human body do not always attract attention and can even be dangerous.

So, papillomas can cause the development of terrible diseases:

  • Carcinoma;
  • Cervical cancer (cervical cancer);
  • Cervical dysplasia;
  • Mouth cancer;
  • Throat cancer;
  • Shortness of breath and signs of asthma (especially in children);
  • Impotent;
  • Bowen's disease;
  • Damage to mucous membranes.

Growths can cause psychological and cosmetic problems, but their main danger is human health problems (to precancerous and cancerous conditions).


Examination by a gynecologist to diagnose HPV

Diagnosis of HPV involves at least 7 procedures:

  1. Clinical examination. . . The doctor examines and identifies all the tumors on the patient's body. If genital warts have been detected, men may be prescribed a ureteroscopy procedure, women are assigned to a gynecologist to check the cervix.
  2. Colposcopy. . . Examination of the female genitalia with a special device - a colposcope.
  3. Histological examination. . . Explore the deep regions of the Malpighian layer and roll cell development.
  4. Cytological examination. . . The classification was performed according to the PAP - smear test, consisting of 5 classes. I - normal cytology, V - a large number of atypical cells.
  5. Check digene(Screening test). This procedure allows you to quickly identify high concentrations of the virus. This test is highly accurate.
  6. Type PCR. . . This procedure allows you to identify individual viruses. However, this method has a limitation: 20% of PCR typists give incorrect results (because of the short infection time).
  7. PCR(orpolymerase chain reaction). Allows you to identify not only HPV, but also other sexually transmitted diseases.


HPV requires a thoughtful and careful approach, and before a decision to treat (destroy) is made, the patient must pass the necessary tests. Sometimes it's possible that a patient doesn't need medical intervention - papillomas can disappear over time.

Traditional treatment

Laser removal of back papillae

It is important to understand that there is no way to completely eliminate the HPV virus. All that can be done is to eliminate the manifestations of the disease (in the form of papillomas, warts and other forms of growth). They are the cause of cancer and precancerous (non-HPV) conditions. It happens that HPV lives in the body for up to 30 years, without manifesting on the skin.

Therapy using immunomodulators and antivirals is rarely prescribed. Doctors prescribe such drugs in the presence of highly cancerous viruses.

Official medicine offers the following methods to remove lesions:

  1. Surgical removal. . . This is an extreme remedy against papillomas and warts. Usually used when there is too much accumulation. Excision requires preliminary patient preparation, appropriate physician qualifications, and the use of local anesthetics.

    Once the surgery is complete, a stitch is applied to connect the tissues. Skin heals within 3-4 weeks, however, scars/scars may remain.

  2. Condenser. . . Includes exposure to electric shock at the site of injury. It is necessary to "cauterize" the base of the affected area. The main advantage of this procedure is the precise sealing of the vessels, practically without blood. Skin is restored within 7-10 days with minimal risk of scar formation.
  3. Laser removal (laser coagulation). . . Provides exposure to a focused laser beam. The procedure is performed without anesthesia and takes only a few minutes, leaving rough scabs (they fall off quickly and leave no trace).

    Laser coagulation has minimal risk of scarring and allows you to quickly remove a build-up of warts or warts. The only disadvantage of the operation is the high cost.

  4. Cryodestruction (burning with nitrogen). . . To do this procedure, you will need a drop of liquid nitrogen, once it touches the wart, it destroys its structure immediately. Allows you to remove the accumulation in 7-10 days.

    Nitrogen cauterization is considered an effective and affordable method, however, if the area is large, several sessions may be required. This technique is actively used in private and public clinics, beauty and health centers. The only negative is the risk of recurrence if the specialist does not burn the warts to the end.

  5. Removal of facial papilloma with radio waves
  6. Radio surgery. . . It is done using special equipment. This method appeared relatively recently, it allows you to remove all growing tumors quickly and painlessly. But until now, radiosurgery was inaccessible due to its high cost.
  7. Chemical destruction. . . When done, "strong" chemicals are used. substances and acids. These compounds are applied to lumps, papillomas or warts without special equipment. This is an inexpensive but highly effective method.

Important!In any procedure, there is a risk of damage to nearby tissues, threatening the spread of the virus.

Medicines for treatment

Before deciding to self-medicate, the patient should consult a specialist so that the doctor can prescribe the right medicine for home use.

It is important to remember that you cannot remove harmless-looking warts on your own, as the cause of their appearance is unknown. This can even lead to an acceleration of their growth and increase the risk of HPV degenerating into cancerous tumors. When papillomas appear on mucosal surfaces (eyes, nose or throat), investigation of the cause and treatment should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.

There are the following common ways to remove papillomas:

  1. Tape. . . Removal of warts can be done using adhesive tape purchased in the pharmacy and impregnated with a special preparation. This preparation has the effect of destroying the papilloma for a while, after which it will fall off with a bandage. To reduce soreness, patches are usually moistened with warm water before tearing off.
  2. FreezeThis is one of the most common procedures to remove papillomas. As a rule, the use of cryotherapy is indicated for the removal of tumors that are localized in the intimate area or elsewhere, and such treatment is possible without anesthesia. You can buy a special drug yourself at the pharmacy, and this procedure requires strict adherence to the instructions. After a week of treatment, there will be no trace of the papilloma.
  3. Pharmaceutical preparation with phenol, used to treat warts and papillomas. It is highly effective - skin tumors are eliminated after just one application, but the procedure is accompanied by pain, as the wound remains at the site of the papilloma, which takes time to heal.
  4. Gel with celandine extract, the effectiveness has been confirmed by the Ministry of Health. The difference is that there is no pain during the destruction.

There are different situations regarding the appearance of growths and the requirement to destroy the tumor. Depending on the location of the papilloma, the urgency of its removal, and whether this is the first occurrence of HPV, different methods can be used to deal with the papilloma.

It is necessary to consult a specialist because of the fact that when papillomas appear, the independent use of the drug carries a risk of developing papilloma defects in the skin, as a result of which papillomas appear all over the bodycan be in any position. In this case, their treatment will take longer.

Folk remedies

Any self-treatment at home is often accompanied by the use of folk remedies. Along with other therapeutic methods, after consulting a doctor, it is possible to use home remedies. They are especially useful during pregnancy and immunosuppression.

Highly effective in folk remedies that increase the human body's resistance to infections. Some can be taken with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.

Of plant origin

To prevent the later appearance of papillomas, you can use heirloom herbs daily(perilla, nettle, plantain, horsetail, fennel, St. John's seaweed and others) or red potato juice.

From herbal remedies used to get rid of tumors, it is worth noting celandine. It is allowed to use its juice, leaves or infusion. Regular use of it will dry out the papillomas, after which they will fall off on their own.

Astrology gives ideas on how to get rid of papillomas- it presents HPV as a viral disease in a form that forms on the skin, and regardless of how the papilloma arose, it can be eliminated only when the moon is waning. In this case, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system by using herbal teas. Complete removal of the growth requires at least a 3-month course of treatment.

Non-vegetal origin

Eggs to remove papillomas at home

In addition to using herbal products, the following non-herbal products are also highly effective:

  • Treating HPV with eggs- This is one of the most effective and known ways to remove papillomas. It consists in the fact that papillomas that have just appeared on the body are smeared with egg white, and each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has dried. In a few days, after the protein is very dry, there will simply be no papillae. This is a very effective and simple way to treat cancer on the body.
  • Alcohol- Add 0, 1 liter of alcohol, 2 grams of boric acid, 2. 5 grams of iodine to acetylsalicylic acid solution. It is not recommended to lubricate papillomas with localization on the eyelids or on the mucous membranes with this mixture. Instead of this recipe, you can use ammonia, or you can polish with vinegar and flour (the use of this tool has similar limitations).
  • Castor oilAs a painless treatment for skin lesions. The effectiveness of the oil is due to the presence of acids in its composition, which have a tumor-killing effect.
  • Kerosene and green walnut ointment- used to treat papillomavirus in the form of warts, including the genitals. For this purpose, it is necessary to grind young nuts, after which they are filled with kerosene in a ratio of 2: 1. After leaving the mixture in a dark place for 3 weeks, it can be used to lubricate papillomas. This is a pretty effective way to remove any tumor.
  • Apple vinegar. . . You need to put apple cider vinegar on a clean towel or cotton swab, then moisten the papilloma three times a day. After a few days, the growth will change color. The duration of the course is several weeks, after which the tumor will disappear. To make the procedure safer, you should dilute the vinegar with some water before treating the affected area.

Even advocates of conservative treatment acknowledge the use of non-pharmacological drugs, who completely reject the possibility of self-medication. In fact, whether it is possible to eliminate the HPV virus by traditional medicine methods completely is a controversial question.

Both pharmacological and non-traditional treatments can be successful, but only with the right combination and as recommended by a specialist.